Grade 4 4th Quarter Exams with TOS | Final Exams SY 2023 – 2024
Welcome! To help teachers gather meaningful insights into students’ progress that enables them to make informed instructional decisions and provide valuable feedback, we have ready-made MELC-Based Grade 4 4th Quarter Exams with TOS | Final Exams SY 2023 – 2024 that are in line with the most recent Curriculum Guide for each grade level accessible for download. See Google Drive links below.
Assessment of Learning
The primary goal of assessment of learning is to evaluate, verify, and report the extent of students’ learning that facilitates informed decision-making about students’ educational progress. The information obtained through this process serves various stakeholders, including teachers, parents and students. Teachers utilize assessment data to communicate with parents regarding their children’s proficiency and development. Parents and students can leverage the results to make informed decisions about their educational and vocational paths. Principals and teachers can also utilize the assessment data to review and improve educational programs.
Assessment of learning entails gathering and interpreting information about students’ achievements in key areas of the curriculum in a manner that accurately reflects the nature and complexity of the intended learning outcomes. As authentic understanding goes beyond mere recognition or recall of facts and algorithms, assessment tasks must provide students with opportunities to demonstrate the intricacy of their comprehension. Students should be able to apply essential concepts, knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a manner that aligns with current perspectives in the relevant field of knowledge.
In assessment of learning, the chosen assessment methods should align with the intended curriculum outcomes and cover the continuum of learning required to achieve those outcomes. These methods should enable all students to showcase their understanding and yield sufficient information to support credible and defensible judgments about the nature and quality of their learning. This ensures that the results can be appropriately utilized by others. The assessment methods employed encompass not only traditional tests and examinations but also a diverse range of products and demonstrations of learning. These assessment methods include portfolios, performances, presentations, multimedia projects as well as various written, oral, and visual methods.
By embracing a purpose-driven approach to classroom assessment, teachers can reshape their practices to effectively support assessment of learning. This entails selecting assessment methods that align with curriculum objectives, cater to the complexity of students’ understanding and generate substantial evidence of their learning. Through such comprehensive and varied assessment methods, teachers can gather meaningful insights into students’ progress enabling them to make informed instructional decisions and provide valuable feedback. Assessment of learning serves as a vital tool in promoting students’ educational growth and facilitating their successful transitions to higher education or the workforce.
The Google Drive download links for the Grade 4 4th Quarter Exams with TOS | Final Exams SY 2023 – 2024 can be seen below.

Grade 4 4th Quarter Exams with TOS |
Grade 4 Final Exams SY 2023 – 2024
GRADE 4 4th Quarter Exams in ARALING PANLIPUNAN 4
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Grade 4 Araling Panlipunan 4th Periodical Test Version 2
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Grade 4 English 4th Periodical Test Version 1
Grade 4 English 4th Periodical Test Version 2
Grade 4 English 4th Periodical Test Version 3
GRADE 4 4th Quarter Exams in EPP 4
Grade 4 EPP 4th Periodical Test Version 1
Grade 4 EPP 4th Periodical Test Version 2
GRADE 4 4th Quarter Exams in ESP 4
Grade 4 ESP 4th Periodical Test Version 1
GRADE 4 4th Quarter Exams in FILIPINO 4
Grade 4 Filipino 4th Periodical Test Version 1
Grade 4 Filipino 4th Periodical Test Version 2
Grade 4 Filipino 4th Periodical Test Version 3
GRADE 4 4th Quarter Exams in MAPEH 4
Grade 4 MAPEH 4th Periodical Test Version 1
Grade 4 MAPEH 4th Periodical Test Version 2
GRADE 4 4th Quarter Exams in MATHEMATICS 4
Grade 4 Mathematics 4th Periodical Test Version 1
Grade 4 Mathematics 4th Periodical Test Version 2
GRADE 4 4th Quarter Exams in SCIENCE 4
Grade 4 Science 4th Periodical Test Version 1
Grade 4 Science 4th Periodical Test Version 2
Grade 4 Science 4th Periodical Test Version 3
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