Week 1 – 3rd Quarter Daily Lesson Log | February 13 – 17, 2023 DLLs
Welcome! To help teachers achieve their goals in every particular class session, we have ready-made weekly K–12 Daily Lesson Logs that are in line with the most recent Curriculum Guide for each grade level accessible for download. The download links for Week 1 – 3rd Quarter Daily Lesson Log | February 13 – 17, 2023 DLLs can be seen below.
Best practices in creating a lesson plan
First, ask yourself what you hope to achieve during every particular class session. What should students be able to do when they enter and when they leave? What new information ought they to have learned, be able to apply, and retain? What brand-new abilities will they have gained, had a chance to use, and integrated?
You may plan your lesson once you are certain on the direction you want to take the class. Create a plan of action that will get you to your lesson objectives. Create a timeline for each element of your plan and assess whether you have enough time to accomplish your goals. Be prepared for things to go awry. Your lesson plan should reflect your teaching philosophy. Do not schedule a lecture that lasts the entire session if you favor active learning. Plan opportunities for students to show that they grasp and can use what you have tried to teach them if you think they should be responsible for their own learning. Consider the skills and interests of your students.
Examine how your plan is structured. Does it seem logical? Do the components flow smoothly into one another? Have you allowed enough time for queries, ambiguities, further instances, demonstrations, and visuals to support your arguments? Have you given a short group work you’ve planned enough time to create beneficial results? Think about how things start and end. Has the hook in your lesson plan been strong? How do you properly focus your students’ attention on the subject of the day?
Consider how you will wrap up the lesson as well. Plan to wrap up and review the material presented and lessons learned a few minutes before dismissal. Review this at the start of the following class. How much of a course should you attempt to cover in one? How much do you want your pupils to know, comprehend, and be able to apply is a better question to ask in this situation. You can fill a class session with as much information as you can by talking incessantly. But the effectiveness of such tactic will be limited to that. You will be able to aid your students’ learning in your class more successfully if you are able to get to know and understand them better.
Create two or three key subjects or significant concepts for each classroom discussion as a general rule. Divide the program into ten or fifteen minute segments for each topic, and then spend more time on each by providing definitions, discussions, illustrations, and instances. Before and after each section, repeat the main ideas. This could result in less concealment and more discovery.

Week 1 – 3rd Quarter Daily Lesson Log | February 13 – 17, 2023 DLLs
New! Kinder Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3
New! Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3
New! Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3
New! Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3
New! Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3
New! Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3
New! Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3
Grades 7 to 12 still processing.
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These daily lesson log were made in compliance with the Department of Education format.
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