Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log 4th Quarter DLL SY 2023-2024

Welcome! To help teachers in creating structured approach to designing and refining learning experiences of their students, we have ready-made Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log 4th Quarter DLL SY 2023-2024 that are in line with the most recent Curriculum Guide for each grade level accessible for download. The download links for the weekly K–12 Daily Lesson Logs can be seen below.

The Components of Instructional Design Models

Instructional design models like many other design processes begin with analysis rather than design. This initial step is crucial for understanding the learning context, learner needs and learning goals. Despite the familiarity teachers may have with their subject matter, gaps in understanding may still exist. Therefore, continuous analysis is essential for effective instructional design.

The cyclic nature of instructional design emphasizes learning from experience and continuous improvement. After the initial design phase, the process does not end instead, it moves into development, implementation and evaluation stages. Each phase builds upon the previous one, leading to iterative improvements in the instructional materials and methods.

During the design phase, careful consideration is given to the organization of content, selection of delivery media and identification of resources. Designers must also ensure that the instructional materials align with the learning objectives and are suitable for the intended activities.

The development phase involves the creation and testing of the learning experience including the integration of materials and activities. This phase requires close attention to detail and may involve the creation of new materials to enhance the educational environment.

Implementation marks the actual enactment of the learning experience by incorporating all contextual variables that may influence the process. Testing and review during implementation provide valuable feedback for further refinement.

Evaluation is a critical aspect of instructional design occurring throughout the process to assess whether the learning goals have been achieved. Evaluation goes beyond learner assessment to examine the effectiveness of the instruction itself including resource adequacy and learner satisfaction.

The evaluation phase informs revisions to the overall design and may lead to adjustments in the analysis, design, development or implementation phases. By incorporating feedback and lessons learned, instructional designers continuously improve the learning experience.

Instructional design models offer a structured approach to designing and refining learning experiences. While serving as a foundation for diverse instructional methodologies, they underscore the importance of systematic analysis, iterative design, and ongoing evaluation in optimizing learning outcomes.

Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log 4th Quarter DLL SY 2023-2024

Week 1 Quarter 4 Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log
( April 1 – 5, 2024 )  (Update!)  

Week 2 Quarter 4 Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log
( April 8 – 12, 2024 )  (Update!)  

Week 3 Quarter 4 Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log
( April 15 – 19, 2024 )  (Update!) 

Week 4 Quarter 4 Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log
( April 22 – 26, 2024(Update!)  

Week 5 Quarter 4 Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log
( April 29 – May 3, 2024(Update!) 

Week 6 Quarter 4 Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log
( May 6 – 10, 2024(Update!)  

Week 7 Quarter 4 Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log
( May 13 – 17, 2024(Update!)  


4th Periodical Tests – All Subjects with TOS


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These daily lesson log were made in compliance with the Department of Education format.

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