Week 3 – 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log | May 15 – 19, 2023 DLLs

Lesson planning is an essential part of teaching, and while schools may prescribe a format, teachers can modify it to suit their needs. Before preparing a lesson, teachers should have clear objectives that state what students should be able to do, understand, and care about as a result of the teaching. The teacher also needs to know the expected standards of performance and when students will be held accountable for them. In this post, you will find the ready-made Week 3 – 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log | May 15 – 19, 2023 DLLs that are in line with the most recent Curriculum Guide for each grade level.

To engage students and set the tone for the lesson, an anticipatory set can be used, which includes actions and statements that relate to the lesson objectives and gets students into a receptive frame of mind. The teacher then presents the information and activities needed for students to achieve the lesson objectives. Differentiation of instruction to meet the needs of students should be included in this stage.

Once the material has been presented, the teacher should check for understanding before moving on to guided practice, where students independently work through an activity or exercise while under the teacher’s direct supervision. The teacher should move around the room to determine the level of mastery and provide individual remediation as needed.

Closure is used to bring the lesson to an appropriate conclusion and consolidate student learning. It should be used to cue students that they have arrived at an important point, help organize student learning, eliminate confusion and frustration, reinforce major points, and establish a network of thought relationships for retrieval.

Finally, independent practice is provided to reinforce the learning, and it should be provided on a repeating schedule so that the learning is not forgotten. It may be homework, group or individual work in class, or an element in a subsequent project.

It is essential to provide adequate independent practice as a failure to do so is responsible for most student failure to apply what they have learned. The lesson plan should also list the materials needed, and an estimate of the time needed to complete the entire lesson, including specific components.

In essence, lesson planning helps teachers to be more flexible and prepared, and teachers should modify the lesson plan to include differentiated instruction. Clear objectives, expected standards of performance, an anticipatory set, checking for understanding, guided practice, closure, independent practice, and materials needed should be included in a lesson plan.

Week 3 – 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log |
May 15 – 19, 2023 DLLs

New! Kinder Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4

New! Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4

New! Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4

New! Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4

New! Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4

New! Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4

New! Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4

Grades 7 to 12 still processing.


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These daily lesson log were made in compliance with the Department of Education format.

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“I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.” 
― Jana Stanfield

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