Week 6 – 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log | May 6 – 10, 2024 DLLs
Greetings and welcome! To help teachers optimize the learning experience and foster meaningful knowledge acquisition for their students, we are pleased to offer our ready-made Week 6 – 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log | May 6 – 10, 2024 DLLs that adhere with the latest Curriculum Guide for every grade level. Below, you’ll find the links to access the weekly K–12 Daily Lesson Logs for download.
Instructional Design
Understanding instructional design hinges on differentiating between educational philosophy and learning theories. According to Smith and Ragan, educational philosophies are individual views of education influencing how instruction is designed and delivered. These philosophies, such as constructivism, empiricism and rationalism provide a framework for understanding the general terms in the field.
On the other hand, learning and instructional theories offer organized sets of statements that explain, predict and control learning events. Learning theories describe how learning occurs while instructional theories prescribe actions for desired outcomes. The key to effective instructional design lies in the action guidance principles provided by these theories.
A critical moment in the design process is defining instructional strategies. One example is the choice between generative and supplantive strategies. Generative strategies empower learners to construct their own knowledge while supplantive strategies provide more guidance from the teacher. The principle guiding this decision is that learning is an intentional activity performed by the learner emphasizing active engagement.
However, practical and cognitive factors may influence the choice of strategy. Issues like limited time or high anxiety may favor a more guided approach. Smith and Ragan propose two guiding principles: optimal instructional strategies should lean towards the generative end while providing adequate support and instruction should gradually shift towards generative strategies as learners gain skills and confidence.
Instructional strategies encompass three dimensions: organization, delivery and management. Organizing content, choosing delivery media and managing learning activities are essential aspects of effective instruction. These strategies target various learning objectives including problem-solving, knowledge acquisition, concept and principle learning, procedural skills, cognitive strategies, attitude change, motivation and psychomotor skills.
Mastering instructional design involves navigating between educational philosophies and learning theories to craft strategies that engage learners effectively. By understanding the principles behind instructional design, teachers can create dynamic learning experiences that empower learners to succeed.

Week 6 – 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log |
May 6 – 10, 2024 DLLs
New! Kinder Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4 Week 6
New! Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4 Week 6
New! Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4 Week 6
New! Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4 Week 6
New! Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4 Week 6
New! Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4 Week 6
New! Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 4 Week 6
Grades 7 to 12 still processing.
4th Periodical Tests – All Subjects with TOS
4th Periodical Tests Schedule:
May 16 – 17, 2024
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“I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.”
― Jana Stanfield