Week 8 – 3rd Quarter Daily Lesson Log | March 18 – 22, 2024 DLLs
Greetings and welcome! To help teachers ensure that their educational planning considers the diverse needs and expectations of all stakeholders, thus, maximizing the impact of teaching efforts, quality of teaching and learning experiences, we are pleased to offer our ready-made Week 8 – 3rd Quarter Daily Lesson Log | March 18 – 22, 2024 DLLs that adhere with the latest Curriculum Guide for every grade level. Below, you’ll find the links to access the weekly K–12 Daily Lesson Logs for download.
Addressing Educational Needs and Stakeholder Management
Once the objectives of lesson planning have been deliberated, the inclination is to immediately commence crafting a curriculum. However, the process is not as straightforward. Beyond delineating our goals, we must also account for the requirements of the individuals engaged in the educational process. This consideration serves as the second fundamental pillar in the preparation and execution of teaching plans. It’s essential to address the notion of ‘need’. In educational discourse, this term is often employed loosely. Strictly speaking, a ‘need’ signifies something indispensable. Pinpointing such needs in education can be challenging and could lead to speculative discussions on human nature. Thankfully, we need not complicate matters to that extent. When we refer to needs in education, we typically imply benefits rather than absolute necessities. For instance, when we assert that a student needs reassurance, more confidence, additional time, extra practice or supplementary support, what we actually mean is that the student would greatly benefit from such provisions and may even warrant them. If there’s something that would benefit our students or to which they are entitled, regardless of whether it constitutes a strict need, it warrants consideration in our planning.
Whose needs must be addressed? There are two possible reactions to this question. One might feel burdened by the expectations of various stakeholders, each with their own demands, sometimes conflicting. Conversely, a multitude of individuals now take an interest in and can offer support and guidance regarding your endeavors. The crucial realization is that, whether welcomed or not, teaching has evolved into a collaborative enterprise and it’s imperative to capitalize on this reality. The concept of stakeholding proves useful here. Originating from management literature, stakeholder is employed to denote the parties with vested interests in a business, extending beyond shareholders to include managers, employees, suppliers, clients, the local community and government entities. Stakeholder management involves navigating the interests of these diverse groups, a concern not limited to private enterprises but increasingly relevant in public and non-profit sectors including education. While discussions on stakeholding have often centered on governance matters, teachers are inevitably engaged in stakeholder management, albeit without necessarily using the term. Identifying one’s stakeholders is a crucial step. Stakeholders encompass various groups, including students, teachers, families, school personnel, other professionals interacting with students, future collaborators, educational institutions, governing bodies and the broader community.

Week 8 – 3rd Quarter Daily Lesson Log |
March 18 – 22, 2024 DLLs
New! Kinder Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3 Week 8
New! Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3 Week 8
New! Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3 Week 8
New! Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3 Week 8
New! Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3 Week 8
New! Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3 Week 8
New! Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – Quarter 3 Week 8
Grades 7 to 12 still processing.
3rd Periodical Tests – All Subjects with TOS
3rd Periodical Tests Schedule:
March 25 – 26, 2024
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These daily lesson log were made in compliance with the Department of Education format.
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“I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.”
― Jana Stanfield